Monday, December 30, 2019

There was a 2016 Amazon patent putting workers in cages

There was a 2016 Amazon kapitnspatent putting workers in cagesThere was a 2016 Amazon patent putting workers in cagesDepending on if you binnensee a future of robot takeovers or friendly robot colleagues, the next 10, 20, 30 years of humans learning to working alongside machines can spark optimism or dread. There are bound to be insane ideas that should never see the light of day And in 2016, Amazon filed a patent that took human-machine cooperation to this kind of dark place.According to a patent recently highlighted by the Seattle Times, Amazon had an idea to put humans in cages, so that they could work in robot-only zones safely and efficiently. In the patent figure, you can see a metal cage-like enclosure on top of a robotic trolley that could transport the workers around a facility. In the patent summary, the technologys use is painted as a way to helpunnecessary downtime where no inventory-related tasks can be performed.Patent of worker cage not likely to actually happenMany pa tent applications never see commercial use, and it appears that this patent is never going to be of them. Lindsay Campbell, an Amazon spokeswoman, told the Seattle Times that reaction to the patent use was misguided, and Dave Clark,who oversees operations at Amazon, went further and acknowledged it was not the best technology Sometimes even bad ideas get submitted for patents. This was never used and we have no plans for usage.But the human cage for the sake of machine efficiency gives insight into Amazons thinking about its priorities. In this patent vision of robot-human cooperation, humans are having their movement dictated by a company machine that is free to roam. The patent gets referenced in a recent case study on the artificial intelligence systems powering Amazon Echo by Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler. There, they write that the patent represents an extraordinary illustration of worker alienation, a stark moment in the relationship between humans and machine. Human labor po wering the wealth of companies comes at the expense of personal autonomy.If you want to get a glimpse into the future of artificial intelligence, look into the patents and visions around them. Dystopian futures are built upon the unevenly distributed dystopian regimes of the past and present, scattered through an array of production chains for modern technical devices, they warn.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

4 Ideas for Really Helping an Unemployed Friend

4 Ideas for Really Helping an Unemployed Friend4 Ideas for Really Helping an Unemployed Friend2These days, almost everyone knows of at least one friend who is unemployed or underemployed. You probably feel the need to help them out somehow, but youre just not quite sure what to do. Your first reaction might sound something like this If I hear of anything, Ill let you know, which is a nice sentiment, but how helpfulare you actually being with this advice? There are often other ways you could be helping an unemployed friend.Here are four ways you can start helping an unemployed friend.Show up.Showing support your friend can manifest in a number of different ways. Just because youre not quite sure how to verbally comfort your friend doesnt mean you need to avoid them like the plague. Being unemployed is already emotionally taxing without worrying about how your newfound career status might affect your relationships. Try and engage with your friend as you normally would, while being mind ful of their undoubtedly smaller budget.Lend a helping hand.Consider what skills you have that could help your unemployed friend find work. You could offer to lend a hand at editing their resume and deckblatt letter, or offer to watch their children during any interviews. If you have professional experience with your friend, you could suggest writing them a letter of recommendation.If its not professional help they are in need of, make a nice gesture like bringing them coffee during their job search or helping them shop for a new home office setup. Its the little gestures that can help carry your friend through this challenging time.Network.While you should never make promises you cant keep about potential professional connections or jobs, you should scan your list of contacts for any promising connections. You probably know more people than you think. If possible, try and arrange informational interviews, or bring your friend along to your next networking event. Dont disregard the Internet for networking as you can always make a professional introduction via email. Or if you happen to have a lot of experience networking, a highly desirable quality to have in todays professional world, spend some time coaching your friend since networking does not come easyfor everyone.Motivate them with a gift certificate.What better way to introduce your unemployed friend to the world of flexible work than through a gift certificate to? They will have no excuse now to start applying for jobs. will provide them access to over 25,000 screened and verified job leads, in over 1o0 professional categories, from nearly 4,500 companies. With part-time and flexible scheduling jobs, your unemployed friend can take their time integrating back into the workforce. With telecommuting jobs, they will have access to jobs all across the globe, increasing their chances of finding employment without the risk of uprooting their current life. And freelance jobs are a great way to earn a salary w hile potentially looking for a more permanent position. Gift certificates are available for all subscription plans 1 month for $14.95, 3 months for $29.95, and 1 year for $49.95. For more info on gift certificates, click here.There you have it. You can now avoid giving your mediocre sympathy spieland potentially a few months of awkward conversation while your friend finds work. You can step in, offer your emotional or professional expertise, and be the support that your friend ultimately needs.Readers, how are you helping an unemployed friend? Share with us below

Friday, December 20, 2019

U.S. Military Ranks and Rates

U.S. Military Ranks and RatesU.S. Military Ranks and RatesFiguring out ranks, tarifs, and pay grades in the military among all the different branches can be somewhat confusing.As you get mora familiar with the charts of each service describing the ranks and insignia used to represent certain ranks, rates, and pay grades, you will see each service has its own system. The U.S. military has specific terms to denote authority and responsibility, and these terms vary depending on the branch. In the Army, Air Force and Marines, a members rank determines his or her status, time in service, and authority relative to other members. For instance, in the Army, a lieutenant outranks no one in the officer corps. However, in the Navy, a lieutenant is the same rank as a captain in the Army.There are generals and admirals who hold the same rank but are of different services.There are sergeants and petty officers, gunnies, and chiefs all of the same rank and pay grade, but serving in a different bran ch of service with different corresponding insignia. Navy, Coast Guard, and Rates In the Navy and Coast Guard, the term rate is used for enlisted sailors instead of rank but rate also describes the job or military occupational specialty (MOS) that sailor is qualified to do. The Army and USMC use the term MOS while the Navy and Coast Guard use the term rate to denote the job of the enlisted personnel.There are three main categories of rank and rate Enlisted personnel, warrant officers, and commissioned officers.? The stripes and bars worn on the shoulders of the military uniform denote a persons rank or rate and are called insignia. Enlisted Members Enlisted members are trained to perform specialties within the military. As an enlisted member moves up the ranks, he or she assumes more responsibility.Enlisted personnel in certain grades have a special status known as non-commissioned officer status or NCO. In the Navy and Coast Guard, such enlisted are called petty officers. I n the Marine Corps, NCO status begins at the grade of E-4, which has the rank of corporal. Warrant Officers Warrant officers are highly-trained specialists who have an area of technical expertise, such as a helicopter pilot. They are found in each branch of the military except the Air Force, which discontinued appointing warrant officers in 1959. Unlike commissioned officers, warrant officers remain in their primary specialties to provide knowledge and instruction to enlisted members and commissioned officers. Commissioned Officers The highest-ranking members of the military are the commissioned officers. While some of them specialize in a given area, many rise through the ranks. A bachelors degree and in some cases a masters degree is required before an enlisted member can become a commissioned officer. Military Pay Grades The term grade describes personnel and pay functions. Military personnel across the services receive the same base pay, based on their rank or rate a nd time-in-service. Ranks and rates are named differently in different services, but grades are a universal descriptor across the branches of the military. The lowest enlisted rank in the Air Force is the airman basic. That person is in the grade of E-1 and receives the same basic pay as an E-1 in the Army, who has the rank of private. The E pay grade indicates the member is enlisted. For officers, the pay grade begins with an O. So an ensign in the Navy is an O-1 pay grade, the same grade as a second lieutenant in the Army. For warrant officers, the pay grade designation begins with a W. The higher the number within the pay grade, the higher the salary. So an E-4 earns a bigger salary than an E-1. Commissioned officers outrank enlisted members and warrant officers. Warrant officers outrank enlisted members. So acommissioned officer in the grade of O-1 would outrank an Army sergeant major in the grade of E-9. And a W-2 grade would outrank an E-9, but also would be outranked by an O- 1.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Most lucky people still think they earned their successes

Most lucky people still think they earned their successesMost lucky people still think they earned their successesDo the rich get richer because of a set of favorable circumstances and luck or did they earn it, fair and square? Even if they were lucky, it may be extrapolated that many people who find themselves in positions of wealth, good real estate, or a great relationship tend to think theyve worked for it, according to a new study published in Science Advances.The truth may not be so simple.It all started with a simple card game. The idea for the study welches sparked when the researchers saw other students playing the two-person version of the game President, and they noticed that the winners were more likely than losers to attribute their triumph to skill, with the losers blaming luck even though its a game consisting of only a small amount of skill, and the odds are stacked in the winners favor.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happin ess, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreResearcher Mauricio Bucca and his team then created a version of the card game that involved zero skill and recruited people to play it via Amazons Mechanical Turk. The game was pure chance whoever was picked to play the first card always had the advantage to win that round. In some versions of the game, this advantage was enhanced even further. In other versions, the first card drawn was the weaker hand.At the end of their game, the online players were asked if it had been fair. Winners were more likely to say yes at a rate of 60% even when winners benefitted from receiving advantages such as strong cards from their opponent. The winners were even more likely than the losers to account their success to talent. Of course, the game required almost none.The conclusions of the study have less to do with card games and more to do with ideas of inequality, saidlead author Michael Macy, Cornell Universitys Goldwin Smith Professor of Arts and Sciences, in a release.The findings from our study may shed light on perceptions of the fairness of silver spoons and regressive tax codes in an era of rapidly escalating economic and political division, Macy said. Beliefs about distributive justice and the relative importance of talent versus luck seem to confirm 50 years of research in social psychology on the universal menschenfreundlich need to reduce cognitive dissonance.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Im a Product Manager and This Is My Career Story - The Muse

Im a Product Manager and This Is My Career Story - The MuseIm a Product Manager and This Is My Career Story What Is Yur Name? Sarah SpragueTell Us About Yourself Give Us Your Elevator Speech Oh man. I never know what to say when people ask this I guess thats why Im elend in sales.I joined The Muse a little over a year ago as the very first product manager. I was looking for something where I could learn a lot, work on a product that actually helped people, and be part of a team that cared. I also moved to New York for this job But Im so happy I did because it brought me closer to my younger sister who lives here too, as well as my friends from school. My hobbies include being an obnoxious Patriots fan, proudly watching terrible reality TV, and trying new activities so I can sound more interesting when I have to write bios like this.Whats Your Job Title? What Does This Actually Mean in Terms of What Youre Doing Day to Day? Product Manager. I try to figure out how we can make The Muse better for our users and clients, and then work with our engineering and design teams to make it happen. What Were You Doing Before You Landed This Job? I was doing product management at PBS building video apps for PBS and PBS Kids. Watched a lot of Curious George and Downton Abbey doing that Before PBS, I was working at GE, switching between project management and product management, which included actually learning the difference between those two roles. I also figured out what I do and dont like in a job. (Hint Big companies arent for me.) Whats the Coolest Project Youve Worked on So Far or One Youre Really Excited About? What were working on right now We just released a new home page for Musers who are logged into our site. The idea (and our hope) is to help people find the best jobs and articles for their specific needs so they dont have to dig for it across The Muse. If youve tried it out and have feedback or ideas about how we could make it better in the future- tell me Whats the Worst Job Youve Ever Had? Scooping ice cream on Cape Cod. People on the Cape are very serious about their ice cream in the summer. Also, there was that incident on my first day involving a bloody nose- Ill never be able to erase that embarrassment from my memory.If Money Wasnt a Factor, What Would You Be Doing Career-Wise? Honestly, I dont know. Something that changes constantly because I tend to get bored once Ive figured something out, and that involves solving problems. Id probably travel the world for a year or two (clich, I know), learn how to scuba dive (Ive always wanted to know more about marine biology), and maybe even do a stint in culinary school. Best Piece of Advice for Someone Who Wants a Job Like Yours or Who Is Stuck in a Difficult Job Hunt Right Now? Take a step back and think about whats most important for you. I used to get overwhelmed thinking, What do I want to do with my life? Yes, its important to plan for your future and build a career, but that type of pressure can lead to analysis paralysis, indecision, and no action. Start with what you know makes you happy Is it a location, a specific work environment, or a particular product? Once I could succinctly say, these two to three things are whats most important to me, I could put the right parameters on my search and actually make progress.I remember I read this line in a book when I was really lost You dont learn things from thinking, you learn from doing. Its so true Thats when I stopped thinking myself into insanity and focused on getting the right next job where I could continue to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Now Im one million times happier than I was two years ago when I was just thinking without moving forward.Anything Else Youd Like to Add?Heres the secret Everyone has doubts and insecurities. What was I put on this earth to do? Am I even good at my job? Why would anyone hire me? Even the people you think have it totally together, I promise you, they think th ese things, too.My co-workers will probably be surprised to read this about me, but thats the power. Once you know youre not alone, doubts stop being weaknesses. When you get comfortable with those feelings and learn how to work with them instead of trying to suppress them, you actually become stronger because youre someone who can adapt and evolve. And those types of people make great teammates.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Start of Sample Teaching Resume

The Start of Sample Teaching Resume Vital Pieces of Sample Teaching Resume You also ought to chat about past experience. If you are lucky enough to possess relatively advanced skills that lets you play a wide range of instruments, then its suggested that you put that in your application too. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. Make certain you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. The Pain of Sample Teaching Resume You shouldnt ignore the significance of resumes. There are two means by which you will be in a location to create resumes. Free sample resumes are a fantastic resource when trying to create an extremely superior task job application. Its possible to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. What Sample Teaching Resume Is - and What it Is Not Perhaps while looking for examples you noticed poor samples throughout the internet. Just click the link if youre interested. So long as you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remaining portion of the applicants. Speaking of which, our site offers more resumes for you to select from. Resume application is quite much useful to produce the ready resume. If thats the case, our site provides an extensive selection of curriculum vitae templates also. You may use our resume building software to create your own from scratch. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. There are more than merely a couple of pointers which you have to remember and fully adhere to when designing a resume even when youre utilizing a readymade template. Sample Teaching Resume - Overview In the internet today, there are people referred to as professionals. They arent getting jobs in accordance with their requirements easily. When you yourself have enough comprehension of the job you will appear self-possessed. Possessing a strong resume will enable you find several great jobs. After all of that has bee completed, it should be pretty easy to get in contact with the best jobs. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Ensure your resume is very clear and informative and targeted to the particular teacher job prospect. If youre employed as a teacher or wish to get a job for a teacher, the ideal option before you are going to face interviews. Naturally, each job will call for unique abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the work description carefully and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. As you start looking for jobs as a teacher, take some opportunity to appraise your targets and abilities. Individualize each resume to fit the particular job, together with the school. If youre a school teacher resume, take into consideration that being a fantastic school teacher professional is a lot more than having recognized cer tificates, additionally, it depends a good deal about how youre, how it is possible to enhance employers institution and enrich the lives of the students. If youre an elementary teacher resume, note an elementary school teacher is to blame for assisting children with educational and emotional development in the start of their academic decades. So, your elementary teacher resume has to be in a position to easily demonstrate that you love young kids and wish to create a positive difference in their lives. The skills summary has become the most important portion of writing a functional resume. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may totenstill be tough to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the prospective employer. Another core element youve got to look at when drafting your resume is understanding the sort of job that youre after. So in anticipation for the interview, the resume can provide you with a chance to thor oughly think through the situations you need your employer to understand about you. Introducing Sample Teaching Resume Its fast and simple to use. Teachers need in order to solve many different problems, often below a tight deadline. They must, of course, understand the material that they teach. The Lost Secret of Sample Teaching Resume Resume Contractor The continue building process is really straightforward. When you need us, well be here to aid you. To begin with, it is a waste of their time.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Making The Most Out Of Your Talent Brand In The Interview

Making The Most Out Of Your Talent Brand In The InterviewMost everyone has heard of branding when it comes to your company, and we all know the importance of this in regards to your marketing efforts. But what do you really know about talent branding? My guess is that the term talent brand is something that is quite new to many companies. If you want to make the most of your recruiting efforts, its important for you to understand what is meant when referring to talent brand.What is your talent brand?Your talent brand is simply the way your company is viewed by your employees and by the talent you want to recruit. In other words, what makes you so great as an employer and how are you portraying that publicly? Now that you know what your talent brand is, its time to consider how you can best maximize that brand during your bewerberinterview process Get SocialMost companies today are on social media, but not all companies are clearly displaying their talent brand through social media ne tworks. If you want to really showcase your talent brand, you need to make koranvers you are doing the right things on social media. For example, you will want to show WHY someone should want to work for you by humanizing your company. You can do this by posting social media updates about not only your company brand and services, but also about the people who make up your company. Sharing photos of your company picnic, your team volunteering at the Special Olympics, and also posts by your employees talking about why they enjoy working for you are all examples of ways to really humanize your brand and publicly display your culture. Having the ability to direct candidates to your social media sites prior to the interview can greatly prepare the candidates for what to expect from your culture and talent brand beforehand. Socialmedia isnt just about your company brand. Its also about your employerbranding.Click To Tweet Encourage your Team to get SocialOnce your company is socially disp laying its talent brand, its time that you encourage your employees to get social as well. Urge your employees to get on LinkedIn and update their profiles to reflect their background, personal interests, jobs, and career paths within your business. This is an excellent way for candidates to research and view the types of people you have working on your team and what it takes to be successful at your company. Also, dont forget to encourage your employees to like your company pages and comment on your social media posts in order to showcase an involved and collaborative culture within your company. When your employees are publicly recommending and sharing your content with their friends and contacts online, your talent brand is receiving a mega endorsement Talk about your Brand During the InterviewA great way to maximize your talent brand during the interview is by explaining to candidates what your talent brand means to you and to your employees. If your company has something that c auses it to stand out among the competition, share this with candidates. For example, if your company has had top talent leave a well-known and respected corporation to work for you because of the great potential within your business, share this information with your candidates. Knowing that your company offers opportunity that is not found in other well-known businesses is a superb way to show candidates exactly what your talent brand is all about.Showcase your Brand During the InterviewOf course, you can talk, talk, talk about your companys talent brand until youre blue in the face, but this will not always guarantee that you will win over top talent. Something to keep in mind is that old saying, actions speak louder than words. This means that you should do your best to visually SHOW candidates what your talent brand looks like during the interview.A fantastic way to demonstrate your talent brand during the interview is by including your team members throughout the interview proc ess. Do not try to hide your team behind closed doors by quickly rushing candidates through the office and confining your entire interview time to a small conference room before whizzing candidates through your office once again on the way out. Let your team know ahead of time that a candidate is coming in to interview and make sure that they provide a warm welcome to the candidate.Likewise, dont be afraid to take any serious candidates in final interview stages on an office tour. This is a great opportunity to introduce the candidate individually to key team players, allowing them some time to speak with team members one-on-one and get a good feel for why your employees are working for you.Giving your existing employees a chance to tell candidates why they should want to work for you is a surefire way to really show off your talent brand during the interview.An office tour during the job interview is a great way to show off your employerbrand.Click To TweetWant more tips on how to hire better? Download our eBook