Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Nurse Resume Writing Service May Be Best for You

<h1>A Nurse Resume Writing Service May Be Best for You</h1><p>Whether you need to discover an Oncology Nurse Resume Writing Service or need to keep in touch with one yourself, you ought to know about a couple of things before beginning. Above all else, you should realize that there are numerous reasons why you would need to utilize an Oncology Nurse Resume Writing Service. Besides, on the off chance that you can compose your own resume and need to ensure it is an 'unquestionable requirement have' for your next business, at that point there are a couple of things that you should think about first.</p><p></p><p>The reason you would need to utilize an Oncology Nurse Resume Writing Service is on the grounds that numerous organizations need an elegantly composed resume that is anything but difficult to peruse and comprehend. In addition, a significant number of the tests you will take in the Oncology Nursing field require a strong resume to stand apart from the opposition. You can make your own resume however you have to realize how to get it to the perfect spot on the page.</p><p></p><p>First, you should realize that not every person who is employed as a Patient Care Specialist, Community Nurse, or Registered Nurse will need to compose their own resume. In this way, they as a rule enlist an Oncology Nurse Resume Writing Service to do it for them. They additionally need to realize that in the event that they have to finish a specific assessment, they are going to require a resume that is well written.</p><p></p><p>If you are the patient consideration pro, you have to ensure that your resume has great clinical experience. While your forte will assist you with winning more patients, that doesn't mean you must have the best employment title you can get the opportunity to get a job.</p><p></p><p>The same goes for a Registered Nurse or a Community Nurse. A la rge portion of them will require an expert medical attendant resume author who is qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable. You should be certain that the Oncology Nurse Resume Writing Service you are utilizing is experienced and has the instruments they have to assemble a resume that is well-written.</p><p></p><p>With the entirety of this as a primary concern, you ought to get a resume that is elegantly composed and efficient. On the off chance that you put a great deal of superfluous data on your resume, odds are you won't get recruited at all.</p><p></p><p>Once you have your resume and have breezed through the assessments that the organization needs you to, you will be all set to work. Your resume will be sent off to the activity scout or director you are working with. They will do all that they can to get you recruited with the goal that you can begin your new profession and new life as a Nurse on the most ideal team.</p>

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How To Create A Fall Internship Program At Your Company - Workology

How To Create A Fall Internship Program At Your Company - Workology Creating Your Corporate 2012 Fall Internship Program Creating Your Corporate 2012 Fall Internship Program Controversy surrounding the ethical standards of internships and their legality is extremely prevalent. An unethical internship program holds severe consequences for both the individuals taking part in the program and the reputation of your organization as a whole. However, the benefits of having a proper internship program in place at your company extend far beyond the clear advantages to you, as you also provide students and recent graduates with an invaluable experience to carry with them throughout the rest of their careers. For that reason, I have spent much time differentiating between a “good” internship and a “bad” internship. Consider the following seven steps to create a rewarding internship program that you and your interns can thrive off of: 1. Things to Consider If you have thought about bringing on interns to enhance your organization but have yet to take any action, there are some prerequisites to consider before taking on this new initiative. Consider the following questions to aid in setting a foundation for your internship program: What are the benefits for you? What are the benefits for the young professionals participating in your program? Are you familiar with the unpaid internship laws? Who will mentor and supervise the program? 2. Setting Goals Once you and your team have begun to lay a foundation for your program, it is important to begin determining the goals of the experience. Ask yourself some of the following questions as to why you are creating the program: What do you hope to get out of the program? Is your company hoping to transition talented interns to entry-level employees? What will the intern learn during their experience? How many hours do you expect the interns to work each week? What is the duration of the internship? How will you communicate with the intern on a daily basis? Will the intern receive any type of training once hired? 3. Writing a Plan and Program Design A clear plan and a structured design prior to taking on interns is one of the most important aspects of creating an internship program. Consider the following: Goals Expected tasks/projects Supervisor/mentorship Training/on-boarding Amount of time expected from intern Compensation/benefits for the intern 4. Recruitment An internship program isn’t all that enticing unless you are sure you will be recruiting top talent. Here are a few ways to find quality intern candidates this 2012 fall internship season: It’s all in the job description. A quality job description attracts quality candidates. Spend time perfecting the description making sure that it encompasses all of the responsibilities of the candidate as well as the company’s overall mission and goals. Interact with campus career centers. College career centers can help you to disperse your internship opportunity to students in specific majors pertaining to the position. What better way to reach out to college students seeking experience than their hub for career opportunities? Use current interns to help recruit their talented friends. Referrals are still the most common way to land a new job. Once your internship program is up and running, you have trust in your current interns to recommend their friends and colleagues. 5. Management Now it is time to build a supportive management team to oversee the program and young professionals. The supervisor should be just as carefully chosen as the new intern selected. A supervisor committed and capable of developing people would be a great individual for the role. 6. Providing Feedback and Evaluating Your Intern For some interns, this may be their first work experience outside of the classroom. Constructive feedback is priceless in helping them grow. Feedback should be provided as tasks are completed as well as a comprehensive evaluation at the end of the internship. Be positive and encourage two-way communication throughout the duration of the program. 7. Evaluate Your Program and Make Necessary Changes It is never too late to make changes or improve your internship program. Determine if you are working towards or away from the goals you outlined in your plan. Furthermore, the evaluation feedback from your interns will provide you with great insight as to whether or not you are meeting the needs of your interns. The opportunity of your very own internship program should ignite excitement, not worry or fear. If you take the time to develop a program with reputable goals for both you and the interns, a mutually beneficial relationship is sure to transpire. Does your company provide a mutually beneficial internship program? What do you think makes a corporate internship program successful in 2012 and beyond?   Heather R. Huhman  is a career expert, experienced hiring manager, and founder president of  Come Recommended, a content marketing and digital PR consultancy for organizations with products that target job seekers and/or employers. She is also the author of  Lies, Damned Lies Internships  (2011),  #ENTRYLEVELtweet: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle  (2010), and writes career and recruiting advice for  numerous outlets.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

8 Tips For A Peaceful Return To Work After Maternity Leave

8 Tips For A Peaceful Return To Work After Maternity Leave The prior night coming back to work after maternity leave, I did what numerous new moms do:I cried.Then I cried again the following morning as my significant other pushed the buggy out the front way to drop our child off at childcare. After an hour, just somewhat increasingly formed, I strolled into my place of business with an enormous siphoning sack threw over my shoulder.Although my work area looked equivalent to the day I left it months sooner, so much had changed from that point forward. I was coming back to an old situation with another body, new standpoint, and another standard that rotated around taking care of my child in three-hour intervals.The past four months had just been set apart by a progression of advances like mending from birth, figuring out how to breastfeed, and achieving day by day undertakings with one hand while holding an infant in my arm.Returning to work was basically another change to explore, implying the finish of the fourth trimester and the start of a nother daily schedule for the whole family.Although I'd realized the second was desiring months, it didn't make the procedure simpler inwardly. The main week was an anticipated blend of tears, disappointment, and bitterness while I moved go into ventures, built up another siphoning plan, and missed my child wholeheartedly while attempting to remain centered during gatherings. Be that as it may, I prepared, and was focused on joining self-care rehearses into my day.If you're near the very edge of your own arrival to work, put forth an attempt to address both your outside condition and inside soul, and you'll find heap approaches to empower an increasingly tranquil transition.1. Revive your desk.You stay here for significant lots of time, so make your work area welcoming. A delicate light can temper overhead fluorescent lighting, pruned succulents give a touch of magnificence, and an encircled photograph of your child will enable the space to feel cozy.2. Use aromatherapy.Soothing fra grance based treatment aromas like jasmine, lavender, and vanilla support harmony and unwinding, in any event, during a bustling workday. Add a couple of drops to your hand, rub your palms together, and take a couple of full breaths whenever you need a calm moment.3. Eat well snacks.Hunger torments can be more grounded when you're nursing, so keep yourself all around took care of at the workplace. Bring sound tidbits like yogurt and hummus to keep in the cooler, and dried nuts and natural product for your work area drawer.4. Revive while you pump.Pumping in an office is rarely perfect, yet a new outlook can make the experience something you anticipate. Welcome your PC to make up for lost time with individual email, read a magazine, or even invest energy taking a gander at photographs or recordings of your baby.5. Stretch each time you visit the bathroom.Don't bring your yoga tangle into the women room, yet go into the debilitation slow down and take a delicate contort, arrive at you r arms over your head, or hang forward like a cloth doll to extend your neck. It will give tired shoulder muscles a break.6. Invest quality energy with colleagues.Going to espresso or lunch with a portion of your nearby associates is a simple method to reconnect after a long nonattendance and grasp your social side. Planning a couple of excursions ahead of time likewise separates the workday and gives you something positive to foresee on your calendar.7. Feel great in your clothes.It's an ideal opportunity to leave your maternity sweats at home. Treat yourself to a couple of new pieces that will cause you to feel eager to get wearing the morning. The certainty lift will go far to upgrade your day!8. Be caring to yourself.Be delicate with yourself as you come back to the rhythms of your previous life. Use basic food item conveyance administrations to keep after-work tasks to a base, or talk with your supervisor about moving back in with littler assignments. Continuously recollect tha t you're doing as well as can be expected for yourself, your infant, and your work environment, and by keeping your psychological wellness a need, you'll be better prepared to move the inescapable difficulties that may emerge throughout the following not many months.Check out our maternity leave agenda for more help.This piece was composed by Nicole Gulotta, an essayist for Motherly. Her unique article on can be found here. Fairygodboss is focused on improving the work environment and lives of women.Join us by checking on your manager!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Job Description Of an Accountant

Job Description Of an Accountant Job Description Of an Accountant | Duties, Scope Salary4 min read Read ­ing Time: 3 min ­utesThere is a major trans ­for ­ma ­tion in the eco ­nom ­ic sce ­nario across the globe.First ­ly, busi ­ness ­es and orga ­ni ­za ­tions need to keep their finan ­cial trans ­ac ­tions eco ­nom ­ic activ ­i ­ties up-to-date.Sec ­ond ­ly, Man ­age ­ment makes the deci ­sion based on finan ­cial num ­bers and infor ­ma ­tion. In oth ­er words, they need a lan ­guage to ana ­lyze all trans ­ac ­tions and events of a firm.As a result, there aris ­es a need to man ­age the finan ­cial num ­bers, trans ­ac ­tions, and activ ­i ­ties. Accoun ­tants fill this impor ­tant role. If you want to become an accoun ­tant, this job descrip ­tion of an accoun ­tant has every ­thing you need to know. Also, find top Account ­ing Inter ­view Ques ­tions and Answers. Job Description of an Accountant: There is a very promis ­ing career in account ­ing. Pri ­mar ­i ­ly because there is con ­stant flux in the finan ­cial world. Sec ­ond ­ly, firms need some ­one who can plan tax, man ­age finance as well as over ­see all the finan ­cial and eco ­nom ­ic activ ­i ­ties. For firms to func ­tion effec ­tive ­ly, they need peo ­ple who can take care of big audits and ana ­lyze bud ­get and cred ­it. Also for keep ­ing an eye on finan ­cial devel ­op ­ment and sug ­gest ­ing man ­age ­ment with updates on finance and state of the econ ­o ­my. Accoun ­tants can fit this role and take respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ty to man ­age the eco ­nom ­ic, as well as, finan ­cial health of a firm. In fact, they can exe ­cute their duties as a char ­tered accoun ­tant, senior accoun ­tant, con ­trollers, account man ­agers, etc. The accoun ­tantjob descrip ­tion in this blog con ­tains every ­thing to guide you to be excep ­tion ­al. Search All Cur ­rent Upcom ­ingJobs. Click here tofind over 4Lakh+Job Post ­ings in India. Scope of Accounting There is a wide scope of account ­ing in busi ­ness and per ­son ­al life. Usu ­al ­ly, peo ­ple think it is lim ­it ­ed to the finan ­cial trans ­ac ­tion of busi ­ness. How ­ev ­er, it’s not true instead, account ­ing is the lan ­guage of busi ­ness. The accoun ­tant job descrip ­tion includes the scope in busi ­ness, trade, gov ­ern ­ment, finan ­cial insti ­tu ­tions, indi ­vid ­u ­als and fam ­i ­lies. Indi ­vid ­u ­als and fam ­i ­lies have to man ­age their receipts-pay ­ments, assets, and lia ­bil ­i ­ties. Sim ­i ­lar ­ly, busi ­ness orga ­ni ­za ­tions need to oper ­ate results and finan ­cial posi ­tions. Non-trad ­ing enti ­ties like school-col ­lege, courts need to deter ­mine income expen ­di ­ture and run admin ­is ­tra ­tion prop ­er ­ly which requires prop ­er finan ­cial man ­age ­ment. Apart from them, pro ­fes ­sion ­als like doc ­tors, engi ­neers, as well as advo ­cates or actors have oblig ­a ­tions to man ­age their earn ­ing as well. Find the list of jobs in Gur ­gaon accounts here. Job Description of an Accountant- Key Responsibilities: Accoun ­tants embrace huge respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ties to spin the eco ­nom ­ic wheel of firms. Their pri ­ma ­ry duties and respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ties include: They pre ­pare the finan ­cial state ­ments and records of an orga ­ni ­za ­tion. Pre ­pare asset, lia ­bil ­i ­ty, and cap ­i ­tal account entries by com ­pil ­ing data. Rec ­on ­ciles finan ­cial dis ­crep ­an ­cies by com ­pil ­ing and ana ­lyz ­ing account infor ­ma ­tion. Com ­pletes account activ ­i ­ties and actions by ana ­lyz ­ing account ­ing options. Pri ­mar ­i ­ly, they will advise ways to reduce costs and increase rev ­enues prof ­its. They must ensure all the tax ­es are paid on time Rec ­on ­ciles finan ­cial dis ­crep ­an ­cies by col ­lect ­ing and ana ­lyz ­ing account infor ­ma ­tion. Secure finan ­cial data by cre ­at ­ing back ­ups Con ­vey the mes ­sage to the share ­hold ­ers and investors the truth about the finan ­cial state of a com ­pa ­ny. Pre ­pare spe ­cial finan ­cial reports for sev ­er ­al account ­ing bod ­ies. Sub ­stan ­ti ­ates finan ­cial trans ­ac ­tions by enter ­ing account infor ­ma ­tion. Guides account ­ing cler ­i ­cal staff by coor ­di ­nat ­ing activ ­i ­ties and answer ­ing ques ­tions. Rec ­om ­mends finan ­cial actions by ana ­lyz ­ing account ­ing options. Doc ­u ­ments finan ­cial trans ­ac ­tions by enter ­ing account infor ­ma ­tion. Requirement Of an Accountant: If you wish to build a career in the account ­ing pro ­fes ­sion, you must have good qual ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions along with skills. An indi ­vid ­ual must spe ­cial ­ize career in com ­merce by obtain ­ing a grad ­u ­ate degree (Bach ­e ­lor in Commerce/B.Com) Join direct ­ly as a junior accoun ­tant after fin ­ish ­ing the cours ­es. Fur ­ther, they can choose account ­ing and finance as an hon ­ors pro ­gram for fur ­ther career growth. Key Skills of an Accountant: In order to suc ­ceed in any career, you need to have cer ­tain skills. In fact, they will guide you to over ­come dif ­fi ­cul ­ties dur ­ing work. The fol ­low ­ing are some of the key skills an accoun ­tant must have: Report ­ing skills Atten ­tion to details Time man ­age ­ment Data entry man ­age ­ment Basic Math Salary of Accounting Professionals: The salary for accoun ­tants depends on their spe ­cial ­ty and the com ­pa ­ny they work in. In fact, they enjoy a hand ­some salary in India due to a boost in the econ ­o ­my. On aver ­age, an accoun ­tant at an entry-lev ­el can earn up to INR 3.6 LPA. More ­over, with rel ­e ­vant work expe ­ri ­ence, this pay scale can go up to INR 6 LPA. How ­ev ­er, this pay scale can dif ­fer as per the com ­pa ­ny and the loca ­tion of the job. accounting job descriptionaccounting jobsjob description of an accountantjobs in Gurgaon Accounts

Thursday, July 2, 2020

October November Recap Theyve been exciting months! Be sure you dont miss a minute. - Copeland Coaching

October November Recap Theyve been exciting months! Be sure you dont miss a minute. I hope your December is off to a fantastic start! Can you believe its almost 2018?! October and November were amazing months for Copeland Coaching. I had such a wonderful time, and cant wait for the weeks ahead. In case you missed anything, here are the highlights. I hope you enjoy them! LinkedIn Unveils New Product Offering: LinkedIn Talent Insights The future of hiring is all about one thing: data. I just returned from one of the largest human resources conferences around, LinkedIn Talent Connect. This year, it was held in the booming city of Nashville, Tennessee. It was every bit as exciting and as intimidating as you can imagine, with over 4,000 human resources managers and recruiters in attendance, representing over 2,000 companies from around the world. At the nearly week-long event, LinkedIn unveiled its latest product offering,  LinkedIn Talent Insights. Check out my article on Forbes to learn more about LinkedIn Talent Insights. CityCurrent Radio Show I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jeremy Park from CityCurrent for his radio show. We covered everything from networking to finding a job during the holidays. You can listen to the entire interview here. How to answer the interview question, Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss Being able to articulate how you handle conflict in the workplace can make or break your shot at impressing an employer.  Read tips on answering this tough interview question here. Copeland Coaching Podcast: Effectively Using LinkedIn with Jennifer Shappley I recently had the opportunity to talk with LinkedIns Senior Director of Talent Acquisition, Jennifer Shappley. I met up with Jennifer during the LinkedIn Talent Connect conference. LinkedIn hosted over 4K recruiters from over 2K companies from around the world. Listen to my conversation with Jennifer and her tips on how you can use LinkedIn more effectively for your job search. How to move between nonprofits and for-profit companies Suppose you’re in the middle of your career as an HR professional at a non profit. Seems like snagging a corporate HR gig might be a piece of cake, right? Not exactly. Check out my tips on how to move between these sectors. Should You Include Hobbies in Your Resume? I recently had the opportunity to write a piece for LiveCareer. A resume is often the most important factor in deciding whether or not you will get the opportunity to interview for a job. Your resume must be concise and must be targeted to the specific position you want. If you are a job seeker, you may be wondering if you should include hobbies in your resume. The answer to this question, however, is not as simple as it appears to be. Check out my entire article to get tips on when you should and shouldnt include hobbies in your resume. Copeland Coaching Podcast: Salary Negotiation with Kwame Christian On this episode of the Copeland Coaching Podcast, I talk with Kwame Christian in Columbus, Ohio.  Kwame is an attorney who focuses on conflict resolution and contract negotiation. We talk in detail about why salary negotiation is so important, how to reduce your stress during a salary negotiation, and when negotiation really begins. To listen to our entire conversation and get tips on how you can make more money, click here. Job Searching On LinkedIn? 15 Tips You Should Know With the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reporting that there are currently 6.1 million job openings in the U.S., one would think that finding a job would be a simple process. Unfortunately, thats just not the case. Click here to check out 15 tips to help you job search on LinkedIn. How to answer the interview question, How do you handle pressure? During an interview, the pressure is on. Click here to check out my tips on how to answer the interview question, How do you handle pressure? I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, dont hesitate to reach out to me here. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If youve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. Happy hunting! Angela Copeland @CopelandCoach